Pursuing A Life Of Happiness w/ Ben Nemtin


Becoming pals with someone like Ben Nemtin is an absolute treat. First of all he's the kind of guy who is up for a long chat about the meaning of life and there is nothing that is off limits - our favourite kind of person.  Also, knowing a lot about his past accomplishments it's hard not to feel like there are a few gems of knowledge worth gleaning from the guy on how to live your best life. Considering he's checked off some pretty bitchin' experiences and accomplishments in life we asked him for a few tips on how to get started on cultivating the ultimate bucket list! Take it away Ben! 

Sure thing guys! Here are six steps that will help you cross things off your bucket list:

1. Think About What's Important: Before you start your list, make sure you're going after the right things. Think about what's important to you, not what's important to your friends, your family or the people around you. Listen to your gut and your heart. What excites you? What makes you feel butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it? Get used to hearing people say you can't do it. If people say that you’re crazy, that's a good sign. If you’re scared, even better.

2. Write it Down: The act of writing it down means you're taking an idea in your head and you're making it real. You're taking something that's intangible and making it tangible. This gives your dreams their first breath of life.

3. Talk About Your List: If you don't talk about your list, no one can help you. Sometimes people keep their dreams inside because they are afraid of what others might think or that others will know if they fail. The reality is people will step up in the most unexpected ways to help you if you talk about your goals passionately and authentically (either in person or online). 

4. Persistence: It's not going to be easy and you're going to hear 'no' a lot. I've learned that 'no' doesn't always mean 'no', it usually means 'not now'. As a result, you may have to approach any potential roadblocks in a creative new ways. People trick themselves into thinking external forces are the reason they can't do something. I believe the simple truth is that you fail because you stop trying. 

5. Be Audacious: 99% of the world is convinced they can’t do great things so they aim for realistic goals. This means the level of competition is highest for realistic goals. Therefore, you have a better chance of achieving unrealistic goals because there is less competition. Do not underestimate yourself and overestimate the competition. You will surprise yourself. In addition, having a spectacular goal motivates you to keep moving forward and attracts likeminded people to your side.

6. Help Others: This fills you up in a way that doing things for yourself doesn't. In addition, when people see you out in the world helping others, they are more inclined to help you. The film Into the Wild has a great quote: "Happiness is only real when it's shared". When I look back at the past 10 years of crossing off list items, it's the moments when I've been able to step into someone else' life and share in their big moment that stick with me. 

- Ben

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